
真っ赤な血のような樹液がしたたる「ドラセナ ドラコ(竜血樹)」

リュウゼツラン科の高木で、カナリア諸島に自生し樹齢 5000年にもなる長寿の植物。

Dragon Blood Tree: The Unique, Centuries-old Tree Which ‘Bleeds’ When You Cut It


Dragon Blood Tree is one of the trees on the planet.

Scientifically known as Dracaena cinnabari, the tree is native to a single island in the Socotra Archipelago, off the coast of Yemen in the Arabian Sea.

What makes the dragon blood tree stand out is the fact that it contains a red gum that gives the impression that it cries tears of blood.

The gum called dragon’s blood has a range of uses - from medicine to lipstick, and even as a varnish for violins. Referred to by the ancients as ‘cinnabar’, it was well known in trades before 60AD, as per Global Trees.






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