心愛的Georgy 跟 Kate Beckinsdale合演的一首MV,主要的演唱者卻在25 live上無名(沒有標示,其他的duet都有@_@a),經過一番挖掘才找出是Toby Bourke,稍微查了一下,MV是99年,他原本為加盟AE(GM自家公司)旗下的歌手,不過後來拆夥了。
Kate在裡面的造型非常值得玩味,99年,我大概是在Underworld出來那一年才注意到Kate的(天生受到這麼動人的動作女星真的很少見啊*v* 我的胃口一般瞄準超攻女王的像是Eva Green女王的,kate是真的屬於"不推倒對不起自己"的類型的...喂喂),然後我要推1:50到2:11出現在牛奶罐(?)旁的美男子!!!!那身體真讓人垂涎三尺啊....(喂喂)
買了DVD之後常會放著當BGM,雖然在Ladie & Gentlemen中已經收入這首,當時因為沒能常看MV所以除了「Georgy在這邊好像是背景歌手?」以外印象不深。
Still I love her
She's still your wife
...and she chose to leave.
Trust me, she won't go anywhere.
Trust me, she told me,
When you ready too, she'll be there.
Trust me, she'll come back to you.
Trust me, no, don't LET GO
She's waiting.
Then it'll all come to an end.
She's got a song in her head and she'll sing to me,
She's got a laugh that reminds me of why she's in love with me,
She'd never let show she was lonely in case it had frightened me,
She was carpet and stone, independent, alone,
But her love always shone around me,
Every time...
Waltz away dreaming till your day begins again,
Free from the seasons and this state I'm in,
And oh, I can't hold it all under one love,
It was so long ago when we kissed in the streets,
Now you fly like an eagle above,
While I waltz away anyway,
I'll be waltzing my days away,
Searching for this woman I love.
She had a history of joy and pain in time,
And she chose to leave,
She had a thousand and one photographs,
That you would not believe,
She'll come to you in disguise,
She's there in your children's eyes,
Still our mother...
She' still your wife,
(So let her...)
Waltz away dreaming till your day begins again
Free from the reasons for this state I'm in,
And oh, (trust me, she ain't going anywhere)
I can't hold it all under one love,
(Trust me, she told me, when you're ready she'll be there)
It was so long ago, (no don't let go of her)
When we kissed in the streets,
Now you fly like an eagle above,
While I waltz away anyway,
I'll be waltzing my days away,
Searching for this woman I love.
And the moment you see me
I will live in your life
We will walk through my garden
I will see through your eyes,
I was in despair 'till she found me there,
Every grown man cries with his mother's eyes,
And when you're ready too,
She'll come back to you,
She's waiting,
She's waiting.